Today, I’m lucky enough to be the provider of the daily 7×7 crossword over at Malaika Handa’s 7xwords project. Please go solve that puzzle (that link will work when my puzzle is live) and let me know what you think.
In December alone, there are some incredible constructors putting together a 7xwords: as you may imagine, I’m extremely nervous for my beginner puzzle to be book-ended by such experts.
While constructing my 7xwords puzzle, I rejected other versions for one reason or another. I’ve published two here already: Oh, Mitt! (on Crosshare) and Leave it alone (on Crosshare).
To celebrate my ‘debut’ over at 7xwords (and Sinterklaas here in the Netherlands, I suppose), I present to you another reject that I still really like: At sixes and sevens. You can enjoy it embedded below, directly on Crosshare or download the .puz file.